It’s safe to assume that it’s been a while since you’ve taken driver’s ed. While you’ve most likely retained most of the information your instructor taught you about driving, knowing who has the right of way between you, bicyclists, and pedestrians might be a bit hazy at times. Let’s face it—you might not think about this while you’re going about your busy day. So just in case you have your children’s schedule for their ballet recitals and football practice memorized but you’re unsure of this—here’s a brief refresher course.
Pedestrians are the most vulnerable of subjects on the sidewalks and crossing lanes. They put their faith that you will observe traffic laws and let them pass unscathed. Pedestrians also must observe the laws of the “don’t walk” sign. If there is no sign on a street, the pedestrian must only cross with the direction of traffic when there is a green light. Any pedestrian in the middle of crossing a street, or walking in front of a driveway automatically has the right of way.
Driving is a privilege, not a right. As someone behind a wheel, you have a responsibility to keep your eyes on the road and your surroundings. One wrong move can cause a fatality, so always be on your guard. When turning into a driveway or parking lot, you must always yield to oncoming traffic. If you arrive at an intersection at the same time as another car, you must yield to them if they are going straight or making a right turn, but a driver turning left must always yield to a driver going straight or turning right.
On any given day, you’ve more than likely seen someone using a bicycle as their primary method of commute. Someone riding a bicycle must adhere to the same rules of the road as someone driving a car. (The only exception is when someone is “walking” their bike, then they must follow the rules of a pedestrian.) A cyclist must drive with the flow of traffic, signal, and follow the same right of way rules as someone driving a car.
The tragic reality of the world we live in is that accidents can happen, and most people will be involved in at least one during their lifetime. While it’s hopeful you’ll never need a use for one, the law firm of Gruenberg Kelly Della is New York’s premier expert in injury law. If you’re hurt, the insurance companies might not come to your aid, but we will. Visit us online, meet our attorneys, and have us represent you. Give us a call today at 631-737-4110.