20 Jul Most Common Car Accident Causes in NYC
The potential for an automobile accident comes from many circumstances, habits, and even the weather. Everything from taking one’s eyes off the road, to driving while intoxicated, can contribute to car, motorcycle, truck, and even pedestrian accidents. For this article, let’s cover the most common accident causes for drivers in NYC.
Exceeding the Speed Limit – This is often the first problem that comes to mind, and for good reasons. Whenever there’s greater speed, the chance for serious injuries and damages increases linearly. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimated about 29% of traffic fatalities involved excessive speed in 2021.
Impaired Driving – This is a catch-all term, referring to driving while drunk, under the influence of illicit drugs, or other intoxicating substances. You may also hear folks include “driving while fatigued” within this category.
Distracted Driving – We have so many distractions while driving nowadays. Cell phones earn a lot of the blame for this in the new millennium, but we still have lots of trouble with eating or drinking while driving as well. Even other passengers can’t create a very distracting driving experience.
Tailgating – Many of those rear-end collisions are avoidable if drivers would maintain more space apart. All it takes is to follow too closely, then mix in that last problem (driving while distracted), and you have a common cause for NYC car accidents.
Adverse Weather – Rain, snow, ice, sleet, and hail are well known for making driving extra precarious. Most of the time, we can handle these problems by reducing our speed, but bad weather mixed with impatience can be a dangerous combination.
Poorly Maintained Vehicles – If your tires have poor tread or your brakes aren’t working properly, then driving in adverse weather could become even more difficult. Those are just a couple of examples of the threat posed by faulty vehicles.
Help with Accidents Involving Negligence & Road Violations
As you can tell by reading through that list, some accidents would be avoidable if other drivers were more attentive to the rules of the road. Speeding is a common example, but we also know many tragic tales of collision fatalities brought about by drunk driving or drug use.
If you suspect you’ve been involved in a car accident, involving negligence or road safety violations, then contact Gruenberg Kelly Della. Our team can help you recover damages after a difficult accident that wasn’t your fault. Call us today to learn more about this topic or inquire about legal services at 631-737-4110.